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Souvenirs what’s allowed and what not?

During our road trip through America we’ve visited some amazing places. Sanibel Island is definitely at the top of our list, a small island just off the coast of Fort Myers, the West Coast of Florida. Sanibel Island is well known for its shelling. It’s what? Shelling; looking for sea shells.

When you have young children it can be great fun searching the shore for beautiful shells or trying to scoop the best ones from the surf with a little net. This was something we loved doing ourselves and we weren’t disappointed by our catch! After 4 days of shelling the kids each had a bucket full of beautiful shells. Not just your average “North sea shells”, but a bunch of tropical ones in all kinds of shapes and colors. Lots of great, self-caught souvenirs to take back home.​

Kids Love Travel: Souvenirs what's allowed and what not?

Kids Love Travel: Souvenirs what's allowed and what not?

We brought the shells along with us on our trip of course, until we reached Orlando at which we got to the point we needed to pack them for the flight back. When Floris asked if he could put his shells in his suitcase I just thought uhmmmm, I’m not too sure really, are you allowed to take shells with you back to the Netherlands? Luckily someone told me to check the customs app, which turned out to be pretty handy! Aside from getting answers to questions such as “souvenirs, what’s allowed?” you can get information on import restrictions from different countries, it has a tool that calculates US dollars to Euro’s and a booklet to keep all your receipts in from purchases done abroad or in the Netherlands.

The app tells me that it’s alright to take regular, small sized shells with you. When it comes to large, special shells however, it could be that they’re endangered and you’re not allowed to take endangered shells back with you. If you’re not sure, try searching online what type of shell you have or ask Customs your question on Facebook or Instagram. Coral is not allowed either and the app also tells me to always check if the shell really is empty. Shells and their “resident” are also not allowed back home and I can imagine the smell wouldn’t be too good either.

Kids Love Travel: Souvenirs what's allowed and what not?

Souvenirs what’s allowed? 

What else is good to know?

  1. Within the EU there is free traffic of goods but there are rules about taking tobacco and liquor.
  2. Outside of the EU there is no free trafficking. Luckily we stayed below the € 430 pp restriction of what you’re allowed to take with you without charge.
  3. It’s not allowed to take dairy products with you to the Netherlands but there is an exception for powdered milk (baby food)
  4. Are you about to take prescription medication with you for yourself or your kids? Be sure to bring a medical passport along (preferably in English). You can get this at your general practitioner.


Kids Love Travel: Souvenirs what's allowed and what not?

So to answer Floris’ question: yes! Shells are allowed to be taken back home. There aren’t any large, endangered ones and none of them are inhabited. Floris is happy as can be. Together with Lotte they rinse them all out, dry them and they are gently wrapped in kitchen paper before they are put in a plastic bag in the suitcase.


Beautiful shells = proud kids

When we arrive home the shells are allowed to be taken to school so all of the classmates can admire them. The kids wonder why none of these shells are to be found on the beach of Zandvoort. After they’ve been admired they are taken back home and are put on display in the cupboard.

And sure enough Floris and Lotte ask every visitor (even the delivery man) if they would like to come inside and take a look at their magnificent shell collection from the USA 😉

Would you like to know more? Here you can find everything you need to know (or in the app of course). Or download the app for your iphone or android device.

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This article “Souvenirs what’s allowed and what not?” is made possible by Customs.

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