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Tips & Tricks

Here you can find all our tips&tricks. We have many more tips, please ask if you have any questions. You probably have many good tips as well, please write them in the comments for other travelling parents.



10 Tips for Bangkok with kids, from watching sharks to discovering temples…

Almost each journey through Thailand starts in Bangkok. The past weeks I received loads of questions about the best “things to do” in Bangkok...

Kids Love Travel: Valencia with kids

10 Tips: Valencia with kids

Valencia is a booming destination in 2017! There is plenty of information for trips with the boyfriend, groups of friends, or colleagues... but where...

Kids Love Travel: travel gadget vaggaro


Today's travel gadget is quite unique: the Vaggaro, the what? The Vaggaro, 3-in 1 travelkit (high chair, bouncer, cradle), designed by a...

Kids Love Travel: transportation with kids

10 x the most fun means of transportation with kids

By bicycle, horse, jeep or tuk-tuk. There are plenty of ways to go in terms of travelling. You could take the car or bus of course but we find the...

Kids Love Travel: travel gadget tuesday BedBox


Wow!! This travel gadget is the solution for several "flying with kids challenges", The BedBox is a suitcase with little wheels, on which your kids...

TOP 5 Destinations for travelling with kids in 2017

I’ve asked you for the best destinations for travelling with kids in 2017… And I was pleasantly surprised! The responses were overwhelming....

Kids Love Travel: Disneyland with kids

Top 5 Attractions in Disneyland with kids

‘Shaking Mickey’s hand and asking him if he would like to come to dinner some time’, that’s Floris’ mission when we leave for Disneyland...

Kids Love Travel: Travel Gadget Tuesday


Another travel gadget when travelling with (young) kids: Trunki. A little, colour full suitcase for your little one, but that ain't all. Children can...

Kids Love Travel: 10 Tips for a day sway in the Netherlands

Top 10: Day out with the kids during the christmas holidays

If it were up to me I would go travelling every school holiday but unfortunately… I don’t have enough days off work and, oh that’s right, not...

Kids Love Travel: holiday to the USA

Holiday to the USA with kids; 5 MUST DO’S on the West Coast

It’s no secret I’m a big fan of a holiday to the USA with kids. I’ve scribbled down quite a few blogs about our wonderful holidays on the West...

Kids Love Travel: South Africa

5 Reasons for travelling South Africa with your children

After travelling South Africa I am in love with this beautiful country! I am totally surprised by the huge diversity. We start our journey in...

Kids Love Travel: Travel

5 Reasons: Why travel with young kids?

I love to travel! Dreaming of where to go, looking for the best tickets, deciding on our travel plan and booking our accommodations, I love it all....

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